Kompetenz an der Jugendaarbecht Nordstadjugend asbl

Evaluation Meeting

Op dësem Evaluationstreffen hunn sech Partner vum Plattform Network getraff fir zesummen e qualitativen Froebou fir Jugendbegegnungen op d‘Been ze stellen. Partner aus Däitschland, England, Estland, Irland a Lëtzebuerg hunn véier Deeg zu Letzebuerg verbruecht an e Froebou zesumme gestalt mat deem een kann rausfannen, wat déi Jonk op enger Jugendbegnung leieren. Ziel war et kuerz an einfach Froen ze fannen, wou déi Jonk eis matdeelen kennen wat si vun Erfahrungen mat Heem huelen.

Questions to Participants of Platform Network activities:

  1. Do you feel you have learnt something new during this project?
  2. Do you feel that as a result of this project you want to know more about Europe (people, countries and cultures)
  3. Do you feel you were able to bring your own ideas and help develop this project?
  4. Do you feel this project will be useful for your future (e.g. study, work, contacts, volunteering, on a personal level)
  5. Would you recommend a project like this to your friends?

The answer possibilities are:
x yes, definetely x to some extent x not so much x not at all
The last question is: 6. Tell us about your experience in this project in a few sentences.

Dese Froebou get op all den Platform Network Aktiviteiten ugewannt.